We need your help to get out the word about the City of San Antonio's plan to fast-track the annexation of part of the I-10 corridor!

First, we need volunteers to pass out flyers at the fireworks stands along the I-10 West corridor to let customers know that this is THE END OF FIREWORKS unless we stand up to the City Council and stop the annexation!  The flyer is meant to be printed double-sided and cut in half to make two flyers on each page.  (If you cannot print double-sided, just hand out the single sheets - that works as well.)  We have permission to pass out flyers at the Mr. W stands, but feel free to ask at the other fireworks stands to get permission to pass out flyers there as well.  Anytime you can be there today or tomorrow, please just head out there with a stack of flyers and spread the word!

Secondly, we need to inform all of the business owners in the proposed annexation area to let them know what is happening.  The City of San Antonio has NOT sent them notices yet, so we need to get them informed and protesting as quickly as possible!  Please print out the attached flyer and bring them to all of the business located in the red areas on the map on the flyer to let them know that they will soon be subject so City of San Antonio regulations and taxes!

We can't let the City of San Antonio think they can get away with this annexation!  Let's rally our friends and neighbors to stand up for our property rights!

Fireworks Stand Flyer